sorry for having neglected LJ

Jul 29, 2009 09:42

I'm off to catch up with LJ.

Life had been hectic in the last months, so when i got back from work, most of the time i just wanted to relax and not see or hear anything. Sorry. I'm having now my annual 2 weeks off and I'm starting to go to status "relaxed" and even "yup might want to see a living soul again"

Won't jabber on about me, want to catch up with you. But to be able to better keep up LJ I'm in progress of cutting my flist and so on down. Already left i think almost all of the comms. I'm going to probably cut a few, because I want to actually keep my LJ - although I'm not really in LJ-mood - just so I can keep up with the friends from the James-meet-ups or fics I read and so on. So if you get cut - which you probably won't even notice with my few entries or comments - it's not because of you, it's because of me :)

Off to catch up, update on me another time :D

ETA going to keep catching up over the next few days :)
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