
May 16, 2013 20:35

hey bloggg long time no see! it's been ages since i've written here... in fact the last time i wrote here, it was just before the start of nie this year. and now here we are at umm what? the end of practicum?! YEAAAA!!!!!! i made it!!!!! i did the crazy 6 weeks of nie, then the dreaded practicum and all those lesson observations and discussions etc etc and here i am back again! woooooh!!!!!!!

the girls and I met up yesterday and hung out at swensens for like 5 hours mwahahahahaha. omg we had so much to catch up with. it was thE bestt. :DD was so excited to finally meet up with them again and also see everyone again after practicum haha. just like we were all just attending nie lessons last time (was it really that long ago? it feels like it was ages past). too bad that the class got split up cz our el tutor was away on mc. so the ppl i got grouped with in e different class were anita, delia, anisa, deb n yl. saw the rest of our classmates after tutorial. can't say that anyone looked that much different, so i guess that's good. :)

it's funny how a sudden change of environment (i.e. practicum) can make u feel like running back to wherever u came from before. well, even towards the last few weeks, i felt like not just gg back to my nie days... i felt like running back to my contract sch. rargh. sometimes i really felt it... how much i missed my colleagues and kiddies there. the whole place in fact, even the sch library where i'd pick up books to read when i had the time. but there it is. unbelievable what a year can do to a person ey? one year in contract sch, and (less than) one year in nie. now i wonder what the one-plus year will do to me next when i stay with the future in-laws. hmmm.

hennywaysss, am now enjoying my free time and just chillinggggg before BT course starts. n i finally got my Effie Trinket (Hunger Games) nails babehhhhh. woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!! altho in a lighter pink because i don't think bright pink suits me very well. too dark. also time to build up  n update my playlist especially e long-ago indo songs i used to listen to etc. love love love. oh and finally get back on the wedding prep project yeayyyyy. it's time to prepare to be GLAMOROUS baby. B-) oh oops i forgot, this is also time to lose my babats hehe oops. must lose weight before wedding. lastly, GSS is coming and so it is time for me n hazzie to do some serious shoppinggg (for wedding stuff). nyehehe yay.

teaching, weddings, schoolwork, simple things

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