Oct 17, 2005 19:45
Hello all, my name is Bobby. I'm 26, live in Michigan, and am a student/work full time with mentally ill/ traumatic brain injury clients.
I like the idea of this project, it's something I have been doing for about 5 years now. I've had about 4 inccidents that very easily could have ended my life, and have learned to appreiciate life all the more for it. I won't go into details unless asked for, but the first was a suicide attempt, about 8 months later I got a blood clot in my leg, 1 year later I got another blood clot in my other leg, and just this weekend I was hospitalized for a burst appendix. In the past 4 years I've been present when both my grandfathers died, and my two grandmothers are heading that way. But, from learning some things from buddhism, learning some things from myself, and learning some things from life I have come to live my life as if every day might be my last, or, more importantly, every day might be SOMEONE ELSE'S last. We always worry about ourselves and when we might check out of this life, but so often do not think that when someone goes away, THAT could be the last time you get to see them. Make peace with people while you can, don't waste the time and energy on hate. There may not be a chance to take it back.