Dec 27, 2003 15:56
last cigarette: x
last car ride: this morning.
last kiss: depends on who from…my mom kissed me good night and many peopel kiss my cheek , but.
last good cry: is there such a thing?
last library book checked out: I bought Trainspotting, I don't "check out" books, too irresponsible...never mind, I checked out a book on Charles Monet last month.
last movie seen: Fiddler on the Roof
last book read: Trainspotting
last cuss word uttered: me?
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: poptart
last crush: Matt (that's a generalization)
last phone call: so long ago, I hate the phone
last tv show watched: Saturday Night Standup
last time showered: Last Night
last shoes worn: my "hippie shoes"
last cd played: Simon and Garfunkle's Greatest Hits or somehting like that
last item bought: 3 CD's
last downloaded: Tiny Dancer - Elton John...? i don't remember
last annoyance: guy at the CD place
last disappointment: leaving home for Christmas
last soda drank: Sprite
last thing written: Items to get from Target
last key used: t
last word spoken: shine
last im: Burgess but she was away
last weird encounter: hmmm
last ice cream eaten: cookie dough
last time amused: When my grandpa asked me to play a song on the guitar that "the whole family knows"
last time wanting to die: never...I'm not emo
last time in love: one year ago...?
last time hugged: yesterday.
last time scolded: never
last chair sat in: bean bag
last underwear worn: sparkly blue
last bra worn: red
last shirt worn: plaid
last time dancing: today, outside. It was more waiting than dancing.
last show attended: College meets Jefferson, Dead to Life, ACB..the other ones
last webpage visited: my band's
1 MINUTE AGO: listening to music
1 HOUR AGO: painting
1 DAY AGO: traveling
1 WEEK AGO: coffee shop
1 YEAR AGO: crying
I HURT: sometimes
I LOVE: music, peace, happiness
I HATE: people who are careless with feelings
I HOPE: I can get away from here
I FEEL: inspired
I HIDE: from dissapointment
I DRIVE: ...i hate driving
I MISS: the times when life was easy
I NEED: rest
Copy this and put it in your journal if you want to.
Have fun ;)