Welp, thankfully the enV2 decided to take a dump (won't charge) when I am eligible for an upgrade. No phone interests me right now that I won't have to end up paying 30 bucks extra for, so I just went with the deal of the day on verzionwireless.com. So yea, I have the LG enV Touch. w00t? I guess. its a phone. Now that I have my iPod Touch, I
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I'm debating on a skin. Not sure if I wanna go with one of ours or make my own to put on it. That's the happiness of being an employee. I can do my own personal art and make it look like whatever vs. choosing pre-made art. Granted, we have some fucking wonderful art on there, I just wanna play around and see what I can do. I got my cousin Amanda a skin, along with her mom. They were in heaven. Colin even loves his skin. haha.
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