Heroes aren't born, they're built

Sep 26, 2008 23:00

We all know the Iron Man movie rocked. So did the action figures that were based on the movie. So when I first saw the first few images of the movie version Iron Man Mighty Muggs, it was something I knew I had to have. But being an exclusive figure of this year’s San Diego Comic Convention, what would be my chances of getting one here, right? Apparently, pretty good.

I was able to get this figure when aoitenshi and I went to Festival Mall at Alabang. As part of our routine every time we go there, we always frequent the hobby shops located at the top floor. Standard antics of a toy collector, hehe. Anyway, I wasn’t planning on buying anything - much less a toy - since I was looking around for a blazer, black slacks and a pair of black leather shoes for this wedding we’re supposed to go to this November. But when I saw the figure on display at one of the hobby shops, I knew I had to have it. After some egging from ‘Tenshi (“This toy was made for only one place in the whole world” or something to that effect was my favorite line that she used), I bought the toy. Good thing my mom gave me money for my birthday.

So there you have it, I am now a proud owner of the movie version Iron Man Mighty Muggs. Now all I need to do is hope and pray that the Dark Knight Joker I saw will still be there when I go back.
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