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amethyst_amore May 14 2011, 06:56:50 UTC
Everything you said was flawless.

I just made a really sick discovery about this show... I've always said Elena reminds me of my sister. Well, her current boyfriend is a lot like Stephan... Her ex is very much like Damon.

The ex boyfriend was... He was abusive and manipulative. But he was so careful with how he did things that no one ever realized how bad it was for my sister until after they broke up. He lied to her about ex girlfriends, claimed to be such a gentleman when he was checking out other girls in front of my sister, and getting edgy because she wouldn't give her virginity to him. He would put her down about things and sulk if he didn't get his way. He used to punish her emotionally if he ever felt slighted by her and it was usually over something like my sister asking him to just be more respectful of her. He liked to control her... At times he would cry and feel sorry for being a jerk, start acting like a genuinely sweet guy and do nice things for her. But soon as my sister gave him an inch, he took advantage of her over again. This is all very Damon to me. True, the ex didn't rape but everything else? Charming, manipulative sexist who used emotional abuse and whining to get his way... If that isn't how Damon behaves most of the time, I'm watching some other show.

Her current bf, by contrast, is a kind, considerate person and not without his flaws. He used to be a pot head when he was younger but straightened himself up and got his act together. He's very understanding that my sister isn't comfortable with sex at this point in time and instead of being annoyed by her virginity, he respects it. When my sister decided she wanted to go to France to study for the summer in Paris, he totally supported her, encouraged her and just... let her be herself. They may or may not be meant for each other, but if they were to ever break up, this guy would bow out graciously and let my sister move one. He's probably be heartbroken, but he'd do it because it's teh right thing to do. Stephan is that kind of guy... He's not perfect, but she sure as he tries to be the best man he can. He's the supporter not only for his girlfriend, but for others as well. Stephan would do anything to make Elena happy... even let her go.

So yeah... I could never support Damon/Elena because to me, he's the kind of guy who so long as he gets what he wants (sister's ex) he'll be the sweetest guy and the relationship will look pretty fine on the outside but always with that underlined manipulation just in case she tries to get a mind of her own. I don't want to see a strong woman beaten to submission emotionally like my sister was.

Another thing. Stephan is a good role model for other young men. He represents what guys should strive to become. by making the good guy loose over and over to the "bad boy" guys and girls learn that this is the norm. I want for once, just once, to see the good guy get the girl. And not by becoming the badboy, but by striving to remain the good one.

Lots of ranting here, I'll shut up...


a_white_rain May 14 2011, 23:51:49 UTC
I'm feel so bad for you sister. I hope continue to recover and have positive relationships.

I don't want Stefan to get the girl because that reduces Elena to a prize but I like that a show aimed at teenage girls was able to show a relationship where the man respected the woman's wishes and got called on when he stepped over the line.

Which makes Damon so gross. Because Elena rightfully blasts him for trying to leave to protect her, while she apologizes for slapping him after he and Bonnie faked her death. If he honestly cared about her as a person, he would have been more understanding of her pain. I mean look at Bonnie, she didn't regret her choice but it tore her up to know that her best friend was in so much pain.

Damon doesn't care about Elena as a person and I doubt he ever will.


amethyst_amore May 15 2011, 02:38:46 UTC
She's getting there. Thank you.

And true that would reduce Elena to being a prize. I guess I just want Elena to be happy with someone who isn't Damon. And I want Stefan to be happy too because I genuinely like his character and really want people to stop being so ridiculously hateful towards one of the few men on this show with any sense of morality.

Damon is fail all around. I have no hope for his character or anyone fixing people's perceptions of him at this point.


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