lol yes Seishirou go break a mirror after Subaru comes crying to you and declare your winning the bet. Because that's totally a reasonable thing to do to show how indifferent you are. HAHAHAHAHA it's one of my favourite scene XD
Beyond even the fact that that scene shows he's obviously moved on some level about what happened, I also am fond of wondering what exactly he's truly feeling. There's plenty of ambiguity on the details of Seishirou's feelings for Subaru, so my view is pretty fluid, depending on what I want to write.
Though, usually, the core of it is possessiveness. Seishirou isn't fond of seeing anyone hurt Subaru - he likes that pleasure to be his own. And, well, I think it's pretty obvious that one thing Seishirou likes most about Subaru is his gentleness and kindness. I think he wasn't happy to see Subaru being forced into a situation with no easy answers and where he's forced to be cruel either way. It's one thing for Seishirou to do it because he's in control and playing - it's another for the messy world to do it.
I really should write more fic from Seishirou's pov because I have lots of thoughts.
I'd almost forgotten the claims that Aang/Katara was pedophilia... Good times. By which I mean, "Damnit, Avatar fandom, why can't you stop being stupid?" Putting aside the whole pedophilia vs. hebephilia deal, because no one ever seems to care about that, they're only what, two years apart? Three? *headdesk*
Let us put aside the cultural context of Aang and Katara's world for a moment. Let us examine the fact that Aang is the Avatar. And he was forced to start training as the Avatar four years before the norm. He is the last of his people because they were all slaughtered. He's not a normal twelve year old boy.
And an important part of Aang and Katara's relationship is that she looks up and yields to his wisdom. They relate as equals. Katara stops thinking of him as a little kid (and she hardly thought of him that way all the time) after The Fortuneteller.
But let's even take away the fandom element. To imply that Katara is abusing Aang because you dislike their relationship is deeply offensive to me because I've been molested and raped by adult men who had power over me as a child. To say that what they have is anything like what I suffered through enrages me.
But I never got the impression the pedo insult was directed at the characters, but was more directed at calling the people who ship them pedo (which is in and of itself far worse and just insulting and below the belt behavior). And like you i have suffered sexual assault, so it is offensive on that level alone.
But it galls me because the only ones who seem obsessed with calling out mysterious deviant likings, over-sexualization, etc. in Avatar and who are obsessed with Aang and Katara's underage sex lives (granted there is some canon folks who do that too) are in fact those who tear down the ship. Look at all the EEWW remarks to the kiss, the inferences that because they shared a kiss more than a peck it will lead to immediate sex in the future, etc.
Not to mention the alternative to Kataang (Zutara) isn't without its uber-squickiness as well.
But it galls me because the only ones who seem obsessed with mysterious deviant likings in Avatar and who are obsessed with Aang and Katara's underage sex lives (granted there is some canon folks who do that too) are in fact those who tear down the ship. That's basically what I see.
Look I'm not going to deny there probably are some people who like Aang/Katara because they're both underage in this world because this world is filled with sick people.
But like. Aang/Katara is filled with fluff and stuff over PG tends to have them aged up.
Why can't people who hate Aang/Katara just... ignore it? Why do people care so much about what people like? Unless they can give proof that people like Aang/Katara for sick reasons, why not spend time thinking about things they like? And, not, you know attacking people in general for liking a ship you don't.
Because they were "victimized" by the fandom and Bryke. That's the only thing I can figure. That and maybe because Aang is not a completely hideous troll of a character and there is little bad to say (although lord knows they'll exaggerate some crap up) about him or his bond with Katara. So in order to make it completely unpalatable, it's labeled something vile like "pedo."
The accusation that Aang/Katara is like pedophilia is absurd as well as offensive. They're two years apart. Plus, there's no indication in canon that their relationship was overtly sexual. It was a romantic pairing which was totally appropriate for the age group the show was aimed at.
It does bother me that people are throwing pedophilia out there so casually. It's trivializing. I don't get why people can't just ignore ships they don't like. I was indifferent to Aang/Katara and Sokka/Suki. I thought Aang/Katara was too rushed at the end and I would have preferred Sokka/Toph or Sokka/Tai Li. Or Aang/Toph. (I'll read Zuko/Katara but I fully acknowledge that it was a crack pairing) Yet I refrain from unpleasant statement.
b. Aang/Katara is not pedophilia. You are a stupid person for thinking so and not to mention a total fucking asshole. Just shut up and say that Aang/Katara is too cute for your liking or some shit i.e. using the canon and logic.
"Too cute" is close, but really it's because I'm screwed up and can't ship people unless they're at least somewhat antagonistic while simultaneously caring a lot and/or admiring each other. Kataang has the latter but not the former, so I can't get into it, but goddamn they are so frigging cute. I wish I could.
ETA: Also meant to agree that people who thinks it's pedophilia are assholes and don't deserve beautiful things like Avatar.
Comments 26
HAHAHAHAHA it's one of my favourite scene XD
Though, usually, the core of it is possessiveness. Seishirou isn't fond of seeing anyone hurt Subaru - he likes that pleasure to be his own. And, well, I think it's pretty obvious that one thing Seishirou likes most about Subaru is his gentleness and kindness. I think he wasn't happy to see Subaru being forced into a situation with no easy answers and where he's forced to be cruel either way. It's one thing for Seishirou to do it because he's in control and playing - it's another for the messy world to do it.
I really should write more fic from Seishirou's pov because I have lots of thoughts.
yup you should ^^
hehe, one of mine own fic was totally born from speculating about this scene.
Aaaaaaanyway. Yeah.
And an important part of Aang and Katara's relationship is that she looks up and yields to his wisdom. They relate as equals. Katara stops thinking of him as a little kid (and she hardly thought of him that way all the time) after The Fortuneteller.
But let's even take away the fandom element. To imply that Katara is abusing Aang because you dislike their relationship is deeply offensive to me because I've been molested and raped by adult men who had power over me as a child. To say that what they have is anything like what I suffered through enrages me.
But it galls me because the only ones who seem obsessed with calling out mysterious deviant likings, over-sexualization, etc. in Avatar and who are obsessed with Aang and Katara's underage sex lives (granted there is some canon folks who do that too) are in fact those who tear down the ship. Look at all the EEWW remarks to the kiss, the inferences that because they shared a kiss more than a peck it will lead to immediate sex in the future, etc.
Not to mention the alternative to Kataang (Zutara) isn't without its uber-squickiness as well.
That's basically what I see.
Look I'm not going to deny there probably are some people who like Aang/Katara because they're both underage in this world because this world is filled with sick people.
But like. Aang/Katara is filled with fluff and stuff over PG tends to have them aged up.
Irritated fan is irritated.
Zootarians love their Wounded Gazelle Gambit. Too bad it makes them look like whiny crybabies instead of poor little woobies.
It does bother me that people are throwing pedophilia out there so casually. It's trivializing. I don't get why people can't just ignore ships they don't like. I was indifferent to Aang/Katara and Sokka/Suki. I thought Aang/Katara was too rushed at the end and I would have preferred Sokka/Toph or Sokka/Tai Li. Or Aang/Toph. (I'll read Zuko/Katara but I fully acknowledge that it was a crack pairing) Yet I refrain from unpleasant statement.
"Too cute" is close, but really it's because I'm screwed up and can't ship people unless they're at least somewhat antagonistic while simultaneously caring a lot and/or admiring each other. Kataang has the latter but not the former, so I can't get into it, but goddamn they are so frigging cute. I wish I could.
ETA: Also meant to agree that people who thinks it's pedophilia are assholes and don't deserve beautiful things like Avatar.
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