Today is
Yom HaShoah (English Holocaust Remembrance Day) Today, the U.N. starts its Durban anti-racism conference. Which sounds great, and it can be but there was some really big issues with free speech and anti semitism that, in my opinion, totally wrecked the entire integrity of the event and I was delighted when Obama pulled out.
I believe Obama was right. Because, when, today of all days, Ahmadinejad (president of Iran) got his racism on and talked about how Israel was created under the 'pretext of Jewish suffering... in order to establish a totally racist government.' Today is not the day to criticize Israel in this way - because it's a slap on the face for every single Jew - I'd argue every single persoon - who perished in the Holocaust.
It's a slap on the face to the entire world to bring in a Holocaust-denying asshole to speak at an anti-racist conference on the day the commemorates the dead of millions who perished in one of the most brutal genocides in human history that only happened some sixty years ago.
And then, to make sure every decent person on earth is offended, Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay had the gall to say:
"I am shocked and deeply disappointed by the United States decision not to attend a conference that aims to combat racism, xenophobia, racial discrimination and other forms of intolerance worldwide,"
link I believe the U.N. can be a tool for greatness. I also believe it can be profoundly damaging. Today, I really think it was way more the latter than the former.