-=Once again, Gong-gil's puppets take on center stage, and they play around off center from the PCD camera. Perhaps Gong-gil doesn't realize that the PCD's are functioning again? This could very well be a practice run, or he's simply amusing himself.=-
-=The Red Puppet still has a piece of cloth covering its face.=- It does not matter to me that
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Jang-seng....is a friend?
[He was having a little trouble following the skit itself. He tilted his head and blinked in a child-like and curious manner.]
What is deception?
Hello. Yes, Jang-seng's a friend. A very dear and close friend.
Deception? Deception is intentionally hiding something from another person. Usually that something can be quite embarrassing for either person.
Is embarrassment....unpleasant? Would Jang-seng be embarrassed?
[He still had no idea about the reasons behind the skit and learning those reasons may not be the best idea at this time.]
-=the White one waves shyly as the Red one 'huffs.'=-
Oh, Jang-seng's never embarrassed. -=a soft chuckle.=- He's very brave and unafraid to say anything that's on his mind.
Being brave means...not being embarrassed. Maybe I am brave.
[He gave a child-like smile.]
-=he smiles back before bowing his head.=-
I'm Gong-gil.
I am Edward.
What happened to your hands?
I was made this way. Father....didn't wake up.
How do you eat?
[He was being quite literal with his words since he knew that he was created and not born.]
I learn, breathe and think....but I am not the same as you....or Hawke. I feel pain...sadness, joy and hurt like anyone.
I'm Korean. And I am also a passionate soul. -=a soft smile.=- I am a minstrel, and that helps express the things I want to.
[Edward's dark eyes seemed to study Gong-gil, wondering if he was understanding everything as much as he could.]
Is that why your hands look like people?
[He was referring to the puppets.]
[He looks down and tried to shake his hands to see if the blades would come off but instead he looks up with a slightly disappointed expression.]
My hands...cut things.
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