Oct 17, 2013 01:33
Please, miss fairy godmother,
If you are out there somewhere,
I’m in need of a wish, and I’m not sure there’s any other
Person I can talk to, but you, who will be able to get me out of here.
My wish is that you will change me
Somehow, make me be well-liked by everyone I love.
I don’t have any mice, pumpkins, or trees,
But I hope that my tears will go above
The call of duty for this.
So please change me,
That is my wish.
I want you to make me be
Confident in every aspect of myself,
Someone people will talk to, instead of putting on a shelf.
Nice to people, with no hint of insulting
Because I’m trying my best on my own
But it doesn’t seem to be working.
Please make me be someone worth wanting a friendship with,
Or at least someone who will stop caring
What other people think of my personality, because it’s
Getting exhausting being like this.
13th grade,