I can not remember what life was like through photographs...

Mar 09, 2005 21:51

i went to court this morning for my speeding ticket.  he dismissed it from my record and i have to go to driving school on a saturday... oh well better than paying the $260 fine!

school was ok... missed the ahsge this morning then sat in madame's class til 3rd block which lasted FOREVER!!! and then spanish and rehearsal... blah blah blah its not like anybody actually reades my journal.  then i got home and and did those tests for apmeh and.

i just found out that if i have a D on my progess report that comes out next week that mom is pulling me from pippin! which sucks i hate alot of things right now... becoming depressed... and my grade now in apmeh is a 65... but i figured it out IF clayton adds the participation points, and those 2 take home tests i will have a 71! so i really really really hope he does! becuase i swear if mom pulls me out ill never talk to her ever again! anyway...

ugh i watched a movie tonight.  Win a date with Tad Hamilton.  How depressing! thats a good movie, and really sweet and stuff but it got me extrememly depressed! becuase i feel like that guy who likes the girl but they're just friends. that always happens and it sucks.  of course its a movie though so he ends up with the girl so its ok for him.... but not for me becuase this is really freaking life!  nothing ever goes right when it comes to girls either they dont like me or were just friends or they would but im not that cute blah blah effin blah!!! whatever im over... rant complete... actually im saying more in my head but my hands are tired.... bye

::edit:: depression slowly setting in... comments helping slightly, but nows not really the time to say "someday you'll find a girl"
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