Why is it...

May 12, 2006 04:03

Why is it, that when you intend on finishing a project "BY MIDNIGHT" and going to bed- because you have an appointment with someone at "NOON" the next day, plus you wanted to spend some time with your wife- that you find yourself still awake at 4:05am and waiting on your computer to render out your project so that you can send it by email 6 hours away?

What is it... that that always happens?

Probably because it's my 2nd full movie score.

Probably because (next to my brother, the producer of that film) I'm the biggest perfectionist alive.

Probably because I forgot just how much time it takes to finish this whole process.


Probably because I have run out of time.

My deadline is Friday morning it has to be sitting in HIS inbox when HE wakes up.

I guess I'll have to force myself to take a good nap before work tomorrow.

I'll get to bed at about 5am.

but, none the less my "2nd Full Movie Score" is complete and will be in a movie tomorrow evening.


hero 2

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