Jun 29, 2008 23:53
I haven't forgotten about livejournal... and honestly I have no idea how I used to update this frequently. But now that I think about it... that was like 4 years ago. Maybe I had more going on in my life then. I don't even know where to begin...
I've lived with pat in California for over a year now. I've been promoted and I honestly love my job at starbucks. No lie. I'm finally going to school next semester. I haven't been to school since I graduated high school. So i'm a little behind the game but I'm excited about going and hopefully I can catch up!
I've been back to Vegas twice... which is ok. I don't really have plans to go back anytime soon. Atleast not until my best friend gets married because of course I better be the bride's maid.
I got a puppy in december and we named her Cambria. She's the cutest dog I've ever seen, and not just because she's mine but she legitimately is. We got her fixed last week and she's been miserable because she doesn't realize she can't do things normally and she tried but i stop her. muahaha.
Patrick is completely and utterly obsessed with the dark knight. Or batman in general. so he bought tickets to a midnight showing july 17th in san francisco! crazy! he's crazy but i'm excited. maybe not as excited but I am excited.
concerts have been pretty non existent seeing as how we're trying to move. I can say though the only person we've bothered even trying to see this year is kevin devine. mostly because he'll change your life.
ok so... i've got internet on my laptop now so i'll probably update more. we'll see.