Jul 24, 2008 02:54
my back is seriously rubbish. i went to the chiropractor this morning, spent almost two hours there and very little of that was waiting… i had to get xrays, shock therapy, an adjustment, and of course the overall consultation. i left noticing the improvements already, which is quite encouraging, but it still hurts like hell. turns out my spine is twisted at the bottom and its slanted which is causing pain throughout my leg when it swells and makes me limp, it sucks real bad.
2 worst parts:
i can't run this week, (dr order) which really makes me upset because i am finally in shape and running isn't as miserable as it was in the past
secondly, i found out that my visits there is like a $65 co-pay per visit and i have to go like 3 times a week for a month which more or less means i wont go too many more times because there's no way i or my family can throw $200 a week for chiropractic care, even if i do need it.
if you read this, pray for that whole situation for me… my back, the running, and the cost of visits. hopefully it will work out.