Mar 30, 2007 21:57
I find that I'm discovering how the grade 12 year works at this point, but it's two months to graduation and I have just began to see how deadlines work, how many units I still have to finish, how much money I have to spend on 10 hours that I call grad and prom, as well as the tuition fees that need to be payed by the end of summer, plus, to top off this sideways cake of mine, I have to decide the school and work my ass off to finish. Wonder-if-ful.
Sadly, I just learned about how deadlines work, just when they're over. Life is confusing like that, but sometimes I wish there was a manual.
STEP 1: achieve great grades in grade 11 with extracurricular activities and community service hours that reach the 40hour limit and beyond
STEP 2: be an academic over-achiever by graduating with 10 grade 12 courses you know you'll die taking, but hey, work to impress
STEP 3: never stop working till you look like Marilyn Manson with thicker eyeliner on the bottom lid
STEP 4: (basically at this point you would have died from exhaustion, but if you are still alive ->) binge eat, like there is no tomorrow and sleep for 3 days straight
Four easy steps, that would never been realistic. But, nonetheless, the thought makes me feel more relieved. Well, off to homeworking as well as researching for scholarships (I need all the money I can get for free since I want to go to medical school). Oh bummerz.
Laters tators.