May 14, 2008 21:24
So, once again, while coloring my hair, my hairdresser (aka John) and I had a most philosophical conversation. We always seem to go back to the caveman / survival roots of humans. More and more we've noticed that people live for the fight. Not so much conflict or simply goals but the pursuit of an end.
For instance a guy doesn't always go after someone that's "too easy". There has to be the dating game of cat and mouse.
Any good debate is never grounded in two people agreeing.
Most people wouldn't be motivated to research something further if it's something they already understand.
Rich kids that have everything handed to them that get into trouble (i.e. robbing convenience stores) need to have something to get their adrenaline going.
Retired people that die shortly after retirement. Perhaps they have nothing left to fight for.
I think people that participate in demonstrations must lead a very boring life otherwise if they jump on every outcry bandwagon.
There are several old sayings to this effect: "All sunshine makes a desert", "The bumps are what you climb on" and of course Agent Smith's pearl of wisdom in The Matrix "You humans seem to thrive on misery".
I never wish for world peace. I think the conflicts that exist are there to give us something to fight for. If every conflict we have right now were to be magically solved, we would find others.