Happy Sweetest Day!

Oct 15, 2005 10:34


I want to share what John wrote in his card to me with the world:

"Sometimes when something works very well, You don't notice it at all. Ill fitted clothes are uncomfortable and might restrict your movements, but well tailored clothes fit so well, you don't notice you're wearing them. You don't really notice your heart beating unless there's a problem.

The other day I was thinking about how really true love is sometimes evident because it feels like "nothing". It is so natural & comfortable & pure that it fits so well you don't even notice it. I think that some couples expreience this & mistakenly believe they have fallen out of love. That's too bad because very few people ever experience a love so strong & so perfect that you can wear it without noticing. What you're not noticing are the things that are wrong, ill-fitting or uncomfortable.

It's just right & it feels right.

I don't know how, but somehow a long time ago, I knew you were "home" to me. Home is where my BB is... that's the only thng that feels right to me - loving you.. So that are [sic] all I do, every day. Allways [sic]."


Of course the card he picked was perfectly worded as well.

I didn't open it right away this morning. Not because I wasn't thrilled to get it, not because I thought that the words it contained would be the same old shit... but because I really didn't need to. Kind of like if someone was telling you about something that happened and they said "I was sitting under a tree and...". You don't need to ask what kind of tree or how tall it was. It's just a given, familiar thing that you can relate to.


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