Jun 06, 2006 14:31
Yesterday I did something that I would never even imagine doing. I quit my job. Ok, technically, I gave my boss 3 1/2 weeks notice. But I did it. I also have set my move date. That's right bitches. Come July 8th, I am out of here for good. Quitting my josb made it final. There is no turning back now. I am finally going to be an adult and get my shit together. I know I had said I wasn't going till August, but I kind of just want to go and get started. Plus, my momma says she needs me.
So I know you are all missing me like crazy already and planning a bitchin(did I just use the word "bitchin"?) going away party for me, but for now, you should just come see The Omen with me tonight.
Oh, and seeing how my lease is up at the end of the month-I am tentatively planning the very last BPC night for this Sunday. I'm just going to replace the "porn" part with the first episode of Dane Cook's Tourgasm. And it will be fun.