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She’s a shut in. Alone in her apartment with only her NASU game console and dream diary (oh and let’s not forget the porch). So she just doesn’t care anymore. The past is the past, and at present the dreams are what are left to represent it for her. And Madotsuki knows she lost them all. All that blood in her past, it was theirs. That’s why she kills them again and again in her dreams. They’re not supposed to be there-but they just keep coming back.
However, one day Madotsuki noticed something. Well, she had been noticing this for a while now. How she could collect these effects in her dreams. The effects were also fragments of her past, but that wasn’t why she collected them. Not in the least. The only reason she could muster in her mind, was that she was bored. Her dreamland had been explored. All the monsters (save those Toriningen that just would let her be) killed once, twice, thrice. She’d seen Masada, played with him, traveled with him, killed him. Same with Poniko and Monoko and Monoe. She saw their true faces, and left them to die; once, twice, thrice. The effects were new. Blonde hair, long hair, poop hair, knife (oh that was one of her favorites), frog, yuki-onna, fat, blanket, the list went on until 24.
24 dreams. Maybe it took a little more than that. Madotsuki didn’t keep count. But she found all the effects. But then what? Madotsuki then explored her dreams with her new powers. Oh it was so much fun to tease them; it brought her a little amusement to see even Uboa attracted to her cat’s meow. But… that was it. It became boring again. And Madotsuki stopped caring for her new effects. So she dropped them. One by one they appeared as eggs in the main room of her dreamland.
All of them gone now, she pinched her cheek like normal, to wake up. She was done here. Madotsuki woke up, wrote what she could in her journal and something pulled her to the balcony of her apartment. Maybe the loneliness-oh but that couldn’t be it. It didn’t matter, because Madotsuki walked out of her lonely apartment and noticed something different about the balcony.
A set of steps.
Ah. Solace was falling. Fleeting. She always felt best when she was up on the roof of the mall in her dreams. With that strange cat that seemed to watch her. She always felt best jumping. And then flying. Her other favorite effect was the witch’s power. It was such a shame when she woke up and the power went away. But, oh, now? Now there were steps… and solace was falling. Fleeting.
Madotsuki jumped.
And then she woke up at Worlds End.
Sample log entry:
Madotsuki kept her eyes shut tight. She could feel the burning sensation behind them, as if she had cried as she fell. Maybe. It had been such a wonderful feeling; the air rushing past her, sharp. If the air had been wet, she wondered, would it had hurt any more than it did then? But that wasn’t really the point. It was a beautiful feeling. She hadn’t noticed when she had fallen from her witch form. Probably because she knew where she would wake up; on the floor next to her bed, nothing changed. But now-now she knew she wouldn’t wake up. If she opened her eyes-well, if she even could, there would be nothing. Darkness. Maybe those jellyfish ladies would be there to take her away, but she wouldn’t be able to see them. A perfect loneliness, not like the type she had experienced at home or in her dreams. That was a frightful, horrible loneliness because she knew, oh yes she knew, that there were others beyond her barriers. She was just too afraid to find them, or just bored with them.
She opened her eyes.
Madotsuki frowned. No. No, no, no, no, no. There was a sky up there. Clouds. Clear air. It was dark, but it was so clearly day. She shot up, having been lying on her back, her heart thumping in her chest and a frantic “no” chanting in her mind. This was not supposed to happen.
Sample journal entry:
[accidental voice]
[There’s a bit of shuffling around, as if the person on the other end is trying to figure out what to do with themselves. Their voice is low, but still audible]
I don’t. I don’t understand-I I jumped. I jumped.
Where is this? Am I dreaming again; the forest world? No. They’re not here. They’d be waiting. Disgusting things.
[There’s a bit more shuffling around, as the device is picked up. Static flares since Madotsuki’s tapping it now.]
This isn’t NASU. This isn’t right. I bet they are here. Just waiting.
Where am I.
[She doesn’t realize it’s on, and keeps it clenched in her hands, so more static flares up. It’s left on since she’s just holding it at her sides, touching the ground. Her mumbles become lower and even more incoherent now]
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