hadn't even allowed myself to hope...

Nov 04, 2008 23:09

I sat watching the numbers, staring at 207 as 11 o'clock hit.. Knowing what CA brought, and what the odds were of him losing CA.. and I still hadn't allowed myself to hope.

I can't say much right now.. For about a billion reasons this thrills me.

But I posted this today on, uhm, an online news site that I read some when I need a "non-stressful" news source (I'm a liberal, huffpo is like sitting in a coffee shop on the pedestrian walkway in town listening to college students, it's just very low stress it's not my primary news source or my favorite even, but... it's comfy like a good pair of jeans).. and I think it sums up my feelings on this really really well...


It's not about Obama.. It's about his call for Americans to become responsible for the greatness of this country. McCain and Palin want to scare us into believing that someone else can take away what makes this country great, as though it were an inherent blessing from above. What makes this country great is our constitution, trashed by the soon to be over (one way or the other) administration... Is how hard we work (something that people have forgotten on BOTH sides of the aisle ;))... And how much faith we have in... the ability of America to be better, not just bigger and louder but substantively MORE, than the rest of the world, because of the American People. Or at least that is why I am voting for Obama/Biden today. It's not him, not exactly, but how he sees this country, and how he can help this country see itself once again.

yes we can, and did.

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