Democratic Party Drama

May 07, 2008 09:46

Not that I think it will make any difference, but I just sent a letter to Sen. Clinton's campaign... I like Hillary, always have. I want to see a woman in the Oval Office during my life time so bad I can taste it.. But.. It's time to stop.

I am sure Hillary herself won't read this, though I'm hoping that her "keepers" will share my (and I'm sure other similar views) with her.



I voted for you back in Feb when NYS had their primary. I have been crossing my fingers for you to be on the ballot since 2000, when monkey boy won the election (actually since midway through Bill's second term, but..). You've been a great senator for NYS, and I have generally been a fan of the things you have supported (we'll skip the Iraq war, and your continued vocal support of military action in Iran, let's clean up the messes that this government has made before we make any new ones shall we?).


I'm sorry, I am SO sorry. I want to see a woman in the white house as CIC so bad I can TASTE it.

But more than that, I want to see this country out of republican, neocon, right wing control. I want to see religion move back to the realm of the private choice, where it belongs. I want to see the US move back to the ideals of this nation where freedom really is more than just a talking point, where the will of the people has some actual meaning, not just the will of big business and big religion.

It is time, as a party, for us to stop bickering. It is time, as a party, for us to band together..

You are behind, you are having to ask the super-delegates to vote AGAINST the will of the people (who you claim to want to represent) if you want to win. You are demanding that the state where Barack wasn't even on the BALLOT have their votes counted.

I know you want to win, I can see it in your eyes every time you speak, I can hear it in your voice, and I understand. I know how I would feel in your place.

But you are losing. And it is time to step back with some grace, concede the field to Mr. Obama, and start rebuilding the democratic party. Using your strength with white, working class voters to energize them for November, to make them understand that McCain is offering nothing more than the same things Bush has been doing for 8 years.. And we can all see exactly how effective that has been in making their lives better.

please please please.. recognize that if you are really concerned for the good of the American people, that we absolutely MUST NOT let McCain win. And that means we need to start NOW, and the party needs *you* to take the first step.

If Barack were out of money, behind in the delegates no matter how you count it, and behind in the popular vote of eligible voters (the states knew what the sanctions would be when they changed their voting dates, it's stupid, but.), I'd be sending him the same letter.

*PLEASE* Stop rules mongering. *PLEASE* Let this party rebuild. *PLEASE* Let us all focus on blocking McCain.

And if you winning is more important than ensuring that McCain gets blocked from the white house by a unified nation speaking out against failed policies, then you absolutely DO NOT DESERVE to EVER sit in the Oval Office.

politics, awlww

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