Where I've been lately:

Mar 07, 2007 17:22

This is how I spend almost every waking hour of my day, everyday. It's not so bad and I've read a lot of really great books over the past two months but it can be overwhelming and I'm always busy with school work. Pshaw, work! At college! I'm also on the verge of expanding widthwise into a scholar's body. Hmmph.

I'm taking Native American Lit, Jewish American Lit, Tales of King Arthur, and New Testament this semester and right now I'm trying not to stress out about the fact that I have a test tomorrow on Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival and Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur and a paper due on the crisis of modernity in Eastman's Indian Boyhood and Sherman Alexie's film The Business of Fancydancing. FYI, Sherman Alexie is the coolest.

Anyway, even though I'm always racing to finish my work on time it's not like I'm learning how to distill plastic or whatever it is my roommate Matt is studying all the time. He's as busy as I am but hates what he's doing, which sucks. Poor Matt. Or lucky Matt. He has no doubt that he'll get hired for his chemical engineering skills by some giant pharmaceutical conglomerate while everyday I ask myself, "But, what are you going to do with your life, Diana?"

Recently I bookmarked all of my entries into the memories. I had forgotten how much fun I used to have with my photo journal. I'd like to get back into that someday. Next entry will be full of photographic goodness! Maybe even about spring break which pretty much starts for me after tomorrow. My plans are to hang out with my family back in Miami and make about 4 batches of cookies with my dad while having a Veronica Mars marathon. It'll be fantastic and stress free.

But for now, back to that rascal Lancelot...

spring 2007

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