today, today... is gonna be a better one.

Mar 13, 2009 15:46

Yesterday was pretty frickin' kickass.
went to sopporos with larissa, adam, gwilym and ange
had DELICIOUS all you can eat sushi :D
then went to two second hand cd and dvd stores, found silent hill and paid 3 bucks for it.
AND FOUND SILENT HILL3 the game. Sam and Kristina have been looking for it for AGES
I am a huuge dork, but I'm SO EXCITED TO PLAY IT.
Also, I have decided that I'm saving up (over a long period of time) for Neil Gaiman's Sandman chronicles. (megs, i have you to thank for that. I just read "neverwhere" in graphic novel form, and I loved it! I need to re-read sandmaan!!)
Then i went to the bank with my bursary cheque and the money I had been saving throughout the year and plopped it all into my savings account. Fingers crossed for a big juicy tax return on top of that! I has... almost 2 months worth of rent out of 2. the hunt for a job continues.
I hung out in my room with my friend Amy and we watched Silent Hill, then i met up with larissa, gwilym and adam and played "arkham horror" a frickin SWEET board game involving monsters from H.P lovecrafts works. we played for a good 3 hours.
adam and I went for a snack run, when I won a 25 $ dining card ! whoo!!! my meal card happens to be running low, so I'm hella pleased.


now I just need to focus on my HIST 170 paper
my english paper
and the final drafts of my Ancient History and anthro papers.

then... EXAMS.

I really dont want this year to end, I'm not gonna lie. It has been incredible.
Soon i get to see where I'm going to be living in the summer.
my nu haus has a POOL
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