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liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 18:28:05 UTC
I can tell by the lack of facts in this article, that you truely are a lost liberal soul. First of---illegal workers (the majority) DO NOT PAY TAXES. We will get back to that later, but heres some things you need to ponder. Its a felony charge to be an illegal immigrant in Mexico---did you know that? Why don't they want their own people? The Mexican government is pushing them here, why? In 1986, Congress granted 3 million illegals amesty. So, what, everytime when we get a boatload of illegals, we just give up and let them in? No-one is saying they can't come here. Just do it LEGALLY. Only in America, can millions of people breaking the law protest for rights. The way I look at it, if you not Indian, then someone in your family came here the right, and legal way. Why should we bend the rules for them? Mexico isn't the only poor nation at their. Another thought to ponder---if you legalize them, then they are no longer cheap labor---cause now we have to pay them legal wages. trust me, their are plenty of unskilled American workers that need those jobs. The minorities are the ones who are losing out. Look, because you don't like a law---thats too bad. What, do the police just say---theres too many speeders out there, lets just give up on them. What alot of your liberal minds are forgetting is the WORD ILLEGAL.
How about the fact they do not want to be Americans? They don't care about being American, they just want to make money and send it home (another point---how does it help our economy that all there money leaves our country). If they wanted to be American, they would wave American flags. But they dont care. This is a bigger problem---they are changing our culture. The National Anthem in Spanish? How disrespectful is that. Would you go and start a life in Russia, and not expect to learn Russian? How about singing the Russian anthem in another language? Why is it everywhere you go, press 2 for spanish? This is America thank you. My mother came offa boat from Germany in 1953. She had to LEARN ENGLISH. Below are a few facts for you--(we also won't talk about the stolen ssi numbers they take to try to get on the books.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants a_to_zita May 8 2006, 18:33:39 UTC
i don't take seriously the arguments of people who think "alot" is a word.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 18:40:51 UTC
Some of us work, and do not have time to edit our messages. But theres an old saying---proof is in the pudding. Liberals do not understand the term FACTS. You can argue til you turn blue, but I offer facts, something you cannot. No-one is saying they cannot come here---just go home, fill out the paper work and do it the right way. Only in America can lawbreakers fight for rights. Guess what---I'm sure someone in your family came here the LEGAL WAY. You think its fair for the illegals to get the greatest gift in life? A life here in AMerica. Rewards for the criminals---YES IF YOU BREAK A LAW< YOUR A CRIMINAL. I hate liberals ALOT--hows that.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants a_to_zita May 8 2006, 18:52:48 UTC
you're correct, in fact. my grandmother, like millions of other dirty micks, came to this country and sent money home to ireland. according to you, this relatively standard practice accompanying immigrants should have wrecked the country's economy. or is that only when the immigrants speak spanish?

i don't have time to refute all of your arguments and, honestly, your tone doesn't make me want to bother. i believe ms. q's main point was that though we may bitch and moan about the costs of illegals in america, we are still quite willing to accept the fruit they pick and the labor they provide. thank you for taking time out of your busy day, doing whatever you do, to spew vitriol anonymously on someone's journal.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 19:27:12 UTC
again typical liberal. report the facts and they have to find something else to bitch about. Hate to tell you this, but back in the day, immigrants were told to "lose" their language and learn english. I give you facts, and you complain about my grammer. Those "micks" weren't sending money home---they were saving money to bring their families here. And second, those micks learned our customs---they weren't trying to change America. why is it every phone menu says--press 2 for spanish? why is it they don't have the respect to learn our ways? you obvouisly have not lived in any other countries---BECAUSE THIS IS ONLY HAPPENING IN THE USA. If you moved to Japan, do you really expect not to learn their ways and lanuage? Look around sister, cause our country is turning to shit, and its ignorant people like you. Some areas you go to everyhting is in spanish. doesn't even look like america. And the I hate liberals was a joke----but you didn't get it, because you have no clue. You honestly believe changing some of the words and singing the national anthem in spanish is respectful?


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants a_to_zita May 8 2006, 19:43:05 UTC
before addressing the rest of your "arguments", i just want to know if you feel the same way about pockets of non-spanish immigrants who refuse to assimilate into our english-speaking white-bread culture. i don't know where you live or who you are, which makes it tough to understand your background, or in fact, how the hell you've singled me out, but you seem to be worried about spanish-speaking immigrants for the most part. do you mind the russian immigrants who monopolize areas of Brooklyn? you argue against illegal immigration, saying that coming here legally is ok, but then you dictate how immigrants should behave once they're here. i can see why you admire the stance countries like Germany and France take towards their immigrant populations.

personally i'd love it if we didn't have a piece of complete musical and poetic crap as our national anthem. but that's just my opinion, and i'm part of the pseudo-intellectual liberal elite that's ruining the country.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 20:17:04 UTC
never mentioned germany or france. Actually I think we should have the same stance on illegal immigration as Mexico. I didn't single you out, I was replying to your letter of praise to the author. But I must say, I presented an intelligent response and you attacked me, which is a very typical response. now that YOu have a softer tone, we can agree to disagree. But please do not talk shit regarding the national anthem. Coming from a military family, there has been enough bloodshed keeping this country free so you can have your opinions. I also live in the northeast, where AMERICAN HISTORY IS BIG. Where it all started----The America Revolution----creating the greatest country in the world. Yes, we have our problems, but all in all, theres only one


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants a_to_zita May 8 2006, 20:27:15 UTC
good to know we have so many things in common. i also come from the northeast, come from a military family, and happen to be student focusing on 18th and 19th century american history. similar background, diverging opinions, eh?

i'm not talking shit about the anthem, but you have got to admit that it is near impossible to sing well and that there are myriad other patriotic songs that would be better choices. i suppose feelings about the text of the national anthem stem directly from what we treasure most about our country. i guess that's why i'd rather have a different song. you can see the singing of the national anthem in another language as the co-opting our national culture by a foreign ethnic group or you can see it as an expression of dual pride by immigrants who are working to become part of our national culture. as "immigrants" are not really of a unified mentality, i'm sure it is really both.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 19:05:24 UTC
Oh yes - because "I hate liberals a lot" is really a fact-driven argument. How hypocritical.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants anonymous May 8 2006, 18:51:13 UTC
You need to first go back to school and take a few courses on English Composition - you don't know how to spell or write a complete sentence! Then you can go back and do some research on American History. Times are different now, we are not in 1953.


Re: liberal lies regarding illegal immigrants a_to_zita May 8 2006, 18:54:05 UTC


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