Jan 20, 2006 11:13
I'm pretty lucky to have such a spectacular view from my living room window and the other night was no exception. The moon rose, blood-red and enormous, over Brooklyn. It was so beautiful and scary all at once. It may need to try a little harder than in CT, but nature can still impress even in the big city.
In the Drake's Low Fat Coffee Cakes trial - verdict: delicious! (and therefore dangerous) I think they're better than the original.
At choir rehearsal the other night, we were plowing through the Mozart Vespers and got to the Laudate Dominum, the rather famous sop solo. It's funny the reaction you can have to music. The last time I sang that piece was at a concert at HC. It was for the dedication of the Appleton organ and it was Jen Ashe's first appearance at the school. She sang it with the schola (i had thought she was a student!) More importantly, though, the concert was three days after 9/11. I remember everyone being so on edge about everything that the music was both soothing and jarring. This was the second week of sophomore year and so much had already happened, including the suicide of a classmate, that looking back, i feel like it was the middle of the semester already. Anyway, as soon as the rehearsal pianist started playing the piece, it was like someone had punched me in the stomach. I don't think i'd even heard the piece since that day and it brought back such a rush of emotions. Sometimes being so immersed in the nuts and bolts of music, you miss the effects of the whole. It was nice to be reminded of why we do it.