Riptide - Nick/Cody - Match Pair - R

Apr 15, 2011 13:15

Title: Match Pair
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Pre-slash/Slash R
Wordcount: 5000
Prompt/letter: K Knowledge
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, a_to_z_prompts, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: for seraphina_snape, who wanted matchmaker Murray!
Summary: Dating on the Riptide is a complicated affair...

But even Happy Joe himself hadn't looked surprised when Nick and Cody crowded into one side of the small booth and left Murray to perch on the stool at the end and their dates to sit opposite.

fandom: riptide, letter: k, prompt: knowledge, writing: + 1000 words

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