er - carter/megan - time, until it's time again - rated PG

Jul 05, 2010 22:05

title: time, until it's time again
author: littleton_pace 
fandom: ER
pairing: carter/megan (ofc)
letter: j for journey - table # 4
summary: a page in Megan and Carter's future is revealed.
rating: PG.
word count: 813
warnings/spoilers: none really ;)
a/n: Dr. Megan Riley is an original character of mine who I'm pairing with Carter for my fic's in this challenge. You'll get to know more about her as you read :) ER timeline wise; we're talking season four/five.
disclaimer: I do not own the characters of ER. This is purely written for entertainment only.

Time, Until It's Time Again
Maybe it was because it was raining...

Maybe it was because they both felt particularly useless that day...

Maybe they both just needed someone to hold them and didn’t care who it was...

Whatever the reason, Carter and Megan found each other that night. A hectic day in the ER compounded by after work drinks and a late night discussion ended in the friends indulging in a passion most onlookers assumed they had been engaging in for quite some time.

Never a person to care of another’s thoughts on her, Megan laughed off the rumours that she and John were an item; they were just good friends; best friends. They made each other happy. They made each other laugh. That didn’t mean they were in love.

However that night changed everything.

Because not only did they create a rift in their relationship that would see them changed forever; they also conceived a child. One created in a moment of true love; but to be born to a couple so completely unconventional that a chance of a normal life was a certain uncertainty.

What is normal, though? Their friendship wasn’t normal. Their lives weren’t normal. Everything was thoroughly abnormal about them. So perhaps their child being born into this abnormal world would be normal; healthy.

Perhaps it would be okay.

Exhausted and in agony, Megan chewed her lip and glanced down to the sleeping bundle of human resting in her arms.

My son...

He was beautiful. Everyone said so. He had Megan’s nose, and John’s eyes... he didn’t have a lot of hair but the few wisps he had were a light chocolate brown.

When she’d delivered him, all Megan could remember was the screaming. The screams from herself, melding with the strangled cries of a newborn infant. It didn’t matter what people said about being calm during labour; Megan couldn’t have given less of a damn when her son was coming out. The only thing that made it bearable was to let her voice bellow out from her lungs and reverberate through the room.

She knew this hospital; the nurses, everyone. She’d seen almost a hundred births in her career here, and still none of it prepared her for the arrival of this baby boy.

John had been there, of course. They weren’t a couple. Megan refused his proposal; because it didn’t stem from where a proposal should come from. They weren’t in love. They had a drunken night of absolute passion that had resulted in this baby boy; but they weren’t in love.

Did they love each other? Sure. They had to. They’d been friends and colleagues for almost five years now. There was a bond there; a love. And it was this feeling that Megan put her trust in when she decided to carry on through the pregnancy. This child was her and John; them together. How could she not keep him?

It angered John’s family, and Megan’s too, that they weren’t going to be a “proper family”; but they didn’t care. This worked for them. It didn’t matter what everyone else thought.

At that moment, John came back into the room fresh from making a handful of phone calls to his family. He smiled at his son and climbed up onto the bed, aligning his body beside Megan’s. He gently ran his hand over the infant’s head, trying to comprehend that this was his child; his son.

Megan leant her head against his chest; relaxing at the sound of Carter’s soothing heartbeat. “He needs a name.” She mumbled.

“Hm...” John mused and leant back against the pillows; stroking his fingers along Megans’ brow. “Nothing seems to fit him, does it?”

“No,” Megan shifted the infant across her chest so he was half lying against his father. “And I don’t think our idea of combining our names is all that clever...”

“Agreed.” John chuckled, remembering their late night baby-name chats that never resulted in anything useful. “Drawing board?”


“Vito.” John dismissed it. “Bob.”

“Vito!” Megan laughed. “Clyde.”

“Vito!” John laughed harder. “Donald.”

“Vito times a hundred.” Megan shot him down. “Evan.”






Megan paused at that name; glancing at her son, who stirred in her arms. “Jayden...” She repeated. “Jayden Riley.”

“Jayden Carter.” John corrected her; instigating a common disagreement they had come across these past nine months; what would their son’s surname be?

Fortunately, Megan had been wrestling with a solution for the past week or so. “Middle name Riley...last name Carter.”

“Jayden Riley Carter.” John said slowly; tasting each name, testing how it sounded. It sounded good. “I like that.”

Their son opened his eyes and yawned loudly, flexing his tiny fingers in and out, as if he was silently agreeing with them.

“Hi, Jayden,” Megan said softly. “I’m your mum.”

“I’m your dad...” John pressed his finger against his son’s nose. “Hi.”


fandom: er, prompt: journey, letter: j, writing: - 1000 words

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