Jeeves and Wooster - Bertie/Jeeves - Younger, Freedom

Aug 16, 2009 20:46

TITLE : Younger, Freedom
AUTHOR: pipariperho
FANDOM: Jeeves and Wooster
PAIRING: Bertie/Jeeves
GENRE: slash
LETTER: A for Age, J for Jail - table # 1
WORD COUNT: Too bored with it, sorry
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Two drabbles
DISCLAIMER: These chaps are mine only in my dreams.

A for Age - Younger

The differences between them were great. He was nearly one decade older than his master. He was steady, Mr Wooster was whimsical. Wisdom against humour, servant versus master. Impossible feelings.

Perhaps when he had entered in Mr Wooster’s employ, Jeeves had though he could learn nothing but the habits of his employer, but over the years he had learnt so much more. His master knew how to forgive and forget, even in times when the one hurting him has been his trusted valet. Jeeves had thought Mr Wooster was mentally negligible but he was not, he was good-natured and caring. He had taught his valet to care, too.

Day after day Jeeves learnt more. Cheerfulness, optimism, kindness, love. Each day the differences between them mattered less. With Mr Wooster, Jeeves grew younger each passing day.

J for Jail - Freedom

The things he could do to keep his freedom, he thought lying on the hard bed. Avoiding the matrimony was easier with another kind of ball around ankle. Why Jeeves was on a holiday?

The feelings. They could not let him alone. Even here they found him and the loneliness settled in. For how could he confess his secret to the one it mattered most, not when it could ruin them both. Even the Code forbid him. He was a gentleman in the prison of feelings.

A thin blanket around his shoulders he let himself dream. If he could break free…

Perhaps he should.

prompt: jail, writing: - 500 words, prompt: age, fandom: jeeves and wooster, letter: a, letter: j

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