Title: Reality
poetic_licenceRating: PG
Summary: The Dursley's aren't bad people. An honest look into a very different side of things.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter books and other trademarks are © by JK Rowling, Little Literacy Agency, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Arthur A. Levine, & Warner Brothers. No profit is being made, it's all good clean fun. Really.
- for
monochromal, on her birthday -
The Dursley's aren't bad people.
Sure, they are rude and arrogant and self-absorbed, but they aren't all that bad really.
They didn't like to be different, didn't like people who were different, because different made them dangerous ...
But that didn't make them cruel, just careful.
They didn't like Harry, but that was because he is different and he forgives them for it.
That forgiveness doesn't make Harry a bad person either, just a tolerant one.
Harry's friend Hermione likes to think of the Dursley's in an intellectual manner, classifying their behavior using terms that come from the psychology book that she borrowed before breakfast from the library.
Harry's friend Ron goes red in the face when the Dursley's are mentioned. To him, they are evil -- the wizard haters, they make his blood boil.
Harry doesn't like to think of them very much at all.
Vernon Dursley likes to watch the soccer and yell at the television with gusto, his plate of food steaming next to him. He goes to work in a mismatching suit every day of the week.
The Dursley's aren't evil, just silly.
Malfoy likes to provoke a reactions with his taunting, but Harry ignores him these days.
Harry can see past the smooth talking facade and sees the nervous, unsure teenage underneath. He stops rising the the bait. Daddy's little boy isn't so sure what to do about that.
Malfoy stops trying to get his attention by cursing him in the hallways, and reverts to flirting with him in the corners instead.
Snape watches them dance around each other.
Dudley Dursley stares toward the front as he stands on the school scales while the nurse measures his weight and clicks her tongue onto the roof of her mouth.
Dudley fidgets, for the first time, feeling ashamed.
Snape carries the Dark Mark, but he's only evil to first years, Neville Longbottom and most of the Gryffindors. He sneers, then resides to his office in the breaks with half a bottle of whiskey and a stoat glass.
Snape knows you should only drink spirits out of crystal, and thanks god for Reparo after he breaks the glass for the fourth time that day.
Ron sends an owl to him mother saying the he isn't coming home for Christmas this year. Somethings wrong with Harry and he wants to make sure he's okay.
Molly Weasley will accept this, smiling fondly, and begins to knit this years sweater for poor little orphan Harry Potter.
Petunia Dursley sits in her sparkling kitchen with a half-empty cup of tea and stares out the window. The back of the bony chair digs into her body and she misses her son.
Hermione loses herself in books at her table in the library, trying to get rid of the fear that she is more alone than anyone can see.
Harry pulls Malfoy into an empty cupboard and locks the door, falling into his enemy's arms for a kiss.
Snape slides to the floor, leaning against a stone wall, drunk.
No, the Dursley's aren't bad people, just misguided.
Not bad, really.
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