Title: Expectations
poetic_licenceRating: PG
Summary: Draco should have known better than to trust his expectations.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter books and other trademarks are © by JK Rowling, Little Literacy Agency, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Arthur A. Levine, & Warner Brothers. No profit is being made, it's all good clean fun. Really.
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dragon_charmer -
Draco knew what he expected. He expected that Harry would taste of innocence, and butterbeer, and heroism. That he would squirm under Draco's mouth, flinch away from his touch, cornered, as he was, in the alley behind Honeydukes.
He expected him to gasp, try and pull away from his fingers that learnt the warm skin at Harry's back, in that gap between his trousers and his over-large shirt, try to wriggle away from the coolness of Draco's grasp like a flobberworm gasping for air.
But what Draco didn't expect was Harry to go quietly still, to open his mouth to Draco's and drag his tongue into the depths in invitation, to hold onto Draco's forearms and lean back against the cool stone behind him willingly so Draco could press forward more.
Draco wasn't expecting Harry to enjoy it.
But he was, and maybe that's why Draco pulled away, talking one look at the longing green gaze that Harry gave him, large and familiar behind his glasses. Maybe that's why he ran, and left Harry there with flushed cheeks and a knowing half-smile.
Maybe that's why he left the warmth of Harry for the coldness of his dorm and all the responsibilites that came with it.
Maybe he got something that he wasn't expecting at all.
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