The A-Team Kink Meme
Okay, so hopefully this can get off the ground. Let's hit it.
Last Thursday I went to see this new movie called The A-Team. I fell in love with it and the characters, but lo and behold when I arrived to livejournal to look for fandom and fic, there was none! What a dilemma. After seeing several secrets on
Fandomsecrets of other fans not
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Murdock has a secret. A secret the team doesn't know and will never know. Said secret is tucked beneath his mattress, hidden between a kitschy moon and stars and an equally adorable sun and clouds.
It was his diary, but Murdock preferred to refer to it as his Secret Keeper. But really, it was a diary. Complete with tiny lock and matching key.
And inside this diar-excuse me, ,Secret Keeper, is an every growing list. A list that Murdock wrote purely for himself to remind him why he did the things he did. Stained with fingerprints in curry and motor oil, the list was simply titled Reasons to Make Bosco Angry: A Complete GuideEvery night, Murdock would pull out the Secret Keeper and read over his list and, on some days, would add a few new reasons. He would mull over how it started, with five simple reasons ( ... )
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