Happy Shakespeare's birthday!

Apr 23, 2024 22:56

I wrote really long Shakespeare-hanging-out-with-Ben-Jonson fic to celebrate. (Also, from earlier this month: Chaucer and Shakespeare hanging out with their daughters, and writing the Wife of Bath's Tale and All's Well, respectively.) This is all instead of doing revisions on the Chaucer article that I should have been working on this whole time, because that's the way I roll.

I made cupcakes for my students, too! I haven't done that in ages, not since before the pandemic. It was nice, although only three of my ten World Lit students actually showed up (we are still in this weird cultural shift where students seem to have become accustomed to attendance being optional, although this is an Honors class, so I was surprised). At least my other two classes were mostly present and engaged, and seemed to appreciate the cupcakes.

shakespeare, rpf

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