more fannish stuff

Sep 14, 2023 08:21

So I wrote some more Elizabethan theater RPF (Vanity, in which Richard Burbage's idea of a suitable activity for a date is to drag a whole bunch of people off to look at paintings of skulls), and also got around to posting a bit of really old Vorkosigan saga fluff that had been sitting on my computer for ages (In-Laws, Ivan-and-By banter, post-canon).

And now that I seem to have found myself a new fandom ... I'm noticing that LJ / DW comms just don't seem to be a thing any more. Has anything replaced them, in terms of spaces to rec / plug / find recs for other people's stuff / generally nerd out with people who might be writing the same sort of thing you are? (Hopefully not Tumblr, I just don't get how to navigate Tumblr.) It feels kind of like a ghost town here, and I guess I've been spoiled with Vorkosigan fandom, where there's a lively enough built-in audience on AO3 and an abundance of character- and plot-driven genfic.

vorkosigan fic, rpf

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