Hi, everyone!

Jul 19, 2023 09:27

I'm alive! I see that I haven't posted here in two years, which is kind of wild, but I simply haven't been doing a lot of fandom stuff, and that tends to be what this journal is for. Anyway, that has abruptly changed, because a few weeks ago I woke up at 3 a.m. with, I swear, the voice of Richard Burbage's ghost in my head and an urge to write early modern literature RPF. I don't actually know if there is an audience for early modern literature RPF, particularly if it has a) no sex; b) almost no Christopher Marlowe; c) definitely nobody having sex WITH Christopher Marlowe. But I figured if there was an audience, it would most likely be people who know me here, rather than people randomly stumbling upon it on AO3.

So: a story. This isn't the Burbage fic, because that one started off as a short, snarky buddy comedy set in the Elizabethan theater, with a slightly more serious undercurrent about ambition, and somehow morphed into a novella-length monster with death and ghosts and envy and proto-feminism and lots of random musings about specific plays, and about the nature of artistic partnership, and about exactly how one manages stage business like biting out one's tongue. I thought for about half a minute that it might be publishable for real, and then I realized that it was not only exceptionally self-indulgent even by fanfic standards, but it had no plot other than "a couple of guys really like each other and their jobs." So AO3 it will be, whenever I finish it and think of a better title than Dick.

Meantime, here's a very short side story featuring Ben Jonson and a young Lady Mary Wroth: Equals.

rpf, renaissance drama fic

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