welcome back keith and kyle!
i didnt do anything today and then around 4:00 nick, keith, and kyle came over. i was soo happy. i havent seen them in so long! yeah we chilled, jumped on the trampoline and took pictures. they are hott as fuh. lol. we had good times today. i missed them so much. it was great. get keith 75847569 glasses of orange juice. everyone went to ryans party tonight. i was gunna go but yeah, it was either tonight or tomarrow and i CANT WAIT to go to kaseys. :-). that girl is madd great. i am just waiting for my pics to be cool and get in photo bucket. yeah. i wish my daddys laptop had AIM. yeah who currs. no one is on anyways. yeah but tomarrow should be fun. i am hanging out with steph all day until kasey gets home frum camp then we are going to go over there. then we are going to get our iceskating on becuase yeah we are cool. but i dont think im gunna iceskate because i dont know how. rate my day. it was an A+. :-). i didnt see my steph anti y tho. hurr are the pictures.
i will post the rest of the pictures on here later. yes, get u a ghetto computer.