Nov 17, 2006 12:27
So many days have past and I'm none the closer to getting a job. All this inactivity is making me very lazy. I'm currently caught in a 'hibernation' phase. I find going anywhere a chore. I just want to hide under my covers and leave the whole world be. Wake me up when next September ends.
But duties call and escaping is not an option. I mean I've already escaped for a better part of a month. So everyday I dutifully send out resumes hoping that someone will respond and give me a reason to get out of the house. They are so cold, these companies. No response and everyday their ads get sent to my mail box taunting and with their noses up in the air. I wonder if I can get arrested for sending them a little lurrrvvee in the form of crappy e-mails. Maybe they'll actually respond, if only to say, 'fuck off kid!', and even that will make me happy. How sad is that. At least they know I'm alive though I'm pretty sure they wished otherwise.
This is the crucial stage. The stage where I get to choose to stick it up and stick with it or where I give in and sell my soul to the corporate devil and whichever highest-paying crappy job that is willing to employ me. I'm going to stick with the former at least for now. Ah... Such idealism in the face of adversity. So get thee behind me, you corporate minions. Try again another day.
As you dear reader can probably tell by now if you've read this far that I'm extremely bored.