Jun 18, 2004 11:38
Aurora x Umbra (11:07:59 AM): Wow. I wrote so much that I only had one page left in that essay packet XD
ImpaledOnASpork (11:08:25 AM): The quote was soooo easy o_o
Aurora x Umbra (11:09:03 AM): The length didn't bother me at all. I wrote like a freakin' monkey on crack. Mrs. P even came up to me and patted me on the shoulder and said to keep on goin' Gina! Because I had paused momentarily to work a cramp out of my wrist. I love that woman. she made me feel so much better ^_^
ImpaledOnASpork (11:09:59 AM): I'm glad it's all done with though. I'll worry about Math later XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:10:23 AM): Yeah xD
Aurora x Umbra (11:10:31 AM): I feel so good about that essay! ::Muscle flex:: XD
ImpaledOnASpork (11:11:18 AM): I can't get over how easy that quote was to use XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:11:57 AM): I KNOW XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:12:16 AM): I used Glass Menagerie and Scarlet Letter
ImpaledOnASpork (11:12:30 AM): I used Crucible and Gatsby somehow x.x
Aurora x Umbra (11:12:34 AM): o_O
ImpaledOnASpork (11:13:03 AM): Gatsby because of how, in the dark time of Gatsby's death, you could see that all his friends abandonded him.
ImpaledOnASpork (11:13:16 AM): And Crucible...I dunno, because I can XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:13:55 AM): XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:14:06 AM): We is teh masters at da english language y0!!11
ImpaledOnASpork (11:16:42 AM): I write very condensed and small, and go the full line, so mine was a little shorter then yours.
Aurora x Umbra (11:17:04 AM): I write small and condensed and and the full line, front and back too o_o
ImpaledOnASpork (11:17:37 AM): Not like me though...you need a magnifying glass for me XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:17:41 AM): I went by the 3x3x2 formula XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:19:26 AM): I translated the quote so that it took on the nature that of a man can only make an epiphany or personal discovery when he is oppressed by negativity, because human nature has this uncanny tendency to react more passionately toward negativity than positivity, comparatively speaking :o
Aurora x Umbra (11:20:14 AM): So. Obviously The Scarlet Letter would work there - how all the main characters made their personal revelations when faced with metaphorical darkness; and The Glass Menagerie because everyone came to their senses when nothing but ill-fortune met them XP
ImpaledOnASpork (11:21:35 AM): Candide would be an excellent one to disprove it actually.
Aurora x Umbra (11:21:48 AM): Too bad we didn't read that
ImpaledOnASpork (11:26:51 AM): I don't have the physical endurance to do that, but I think I got my point across very clearly.
Aurora x Umbra (11:27:39 AM): See? That's what happens when you write four-page essays on average in Mrs. Kilgannon's class, at least twice a week on average XDD
Aurora x Umbra (11:28:07 AM): When she assigns essay tests, she gives us two days. First day for two pages, second day for two o_o; Four total, sometimes I max out at five. So, this was the norm for me XD
Aurora x Umbra (11:28:42 AM): You'll build up strong essay muscles in AP! No worries ^^
ImpaledOnASpork (11:29:04 AM): I'd really rather type...THEN I could do a lot more @@
Aurora x Umbra (11:29:09 AM): I know ;-;
Aurora x Umbra (11:29:28 AM): I just got so immune to long essays due to muh luffly <3 Kilgannon
Aurora x Umbra (11:29:48 AM): Yesterday when she was hovering around our rows she wished me Bon Voyage for Europe XP
ImpaledOnASpork (11:30:10 AM): Cool ;)
Aurora x Umbra (11:30:27 AM): I was rather surprised when Mrs P came on gave me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder o_o
Aurora x Umbra (11:30:37 AM): And then wished me a happy trip to Europe.. when like.. I never told her o_O
Aurora x Umbra (11:30:45 AM): Word must spread fast within the teacher network
ImpaledOnASpork (11:30:55 AM): Yeah XD