It's my last week of work, so of course, it's going slower than wind erosion. (I need a new metaphor for 'slow' that isn't a nerdy video game reference, (so sit down Sho Minamimoto fans.) Wow, I just wrote a parenthetical statement inside a parenthetical statement. Is that even allowed? Heh. Nested statements. Heh.) I just presented my project for the last time, and had it deemed 'Satisfactory' by my inimitable German supervisor, Michael. That means the only thing left to do is--!
Oh yeah. Document the entire project. That will take the rest of the week. For everyone who's not a programmer, (there are probably like 2 reading this, if you count me,) that means commenting every loop, every conditional statement, every function so that people unfamiliar with the program will know what it does in case they need to effectively debug it. But then, after that- I'm free for 2 weeks. In celebration, I'm making an attempt to honor every social obligation this week. It's been difficult, folks. Like dragging a mole into the sunlight. But I'm sure it will pay off in the end when I need a financial bailout. Or, alternately, not.
I'm going to lunch in about half an hour with my friend and cubicle mate Karl Kappler, who made me feel like a real programmer yesterday, when I helped him with a Python road block he encountered SSHing into a campus computer when he couldn't import a module in a subdirectory because he didn't have administrator privileges on the a programming problem he was having.
This really needs to stop. I am honestly so far gone. I need therapy, or to switch my major to political science. Also, what do you guys think of
This was the least well organized post I've made in probably the history of this journal.