Apr 07, 2010 04:31
[she sounds pretty bored with... everything, maybe a bit distracted. she leafs through some paperwork before her voice finally carries over, monotone] Rrrrecruitin' for the Salaheem Sentinels. Been awhile since I made a shout out. Mercenary grrroup, yada yada... [she trails off with a sigh] I'd like to issue a bounty for the Hume Sara Sidle, 1,000 gil for her arrrrest and brought to my rresidence at Carta Para Ti.
If she thinks she can just desert me... [she adds off to the side] THAT ASIDE. I WANT SENTINELS. I need mercenaries! [there's a slam enunciating here] I need a work force!
I want an extermination of that blasted ghost town.
[final slam]