1000 Imperial Standing is generally what a lot of Assault Missions give. Exterminating things, finding alternate routes. Paixao translations: Killing a bundle of pests, discovering places/field ops.
1500 for like… defeating bosses, I suppose. (First Lieutenant stuff, technically)
1000 standing = 1 Imperial Gold Piece = 8,000 gil give or take
200 standing = 1 Imperial Mythril Piece = 2,000 gil
100 standing = 1 Imperial Silver Piece = 1,200 gil
100 standing = 5 Imperial Bronze Piece = ...
20 standing = 1 Imperial Bronze Piece = 400 gil ish.
1 Imperial Gold Piece = 5 Imperial Mythril Piece
1 Imperial Mythril Piece = 2 Imperial Silver Piece
1 Imperial Silver Piece = 5 Imperial Bronze Piece
Although, because it's Naja, she'll likely cut things down by half anyway because lol... she likes keeping money any way possible. And make bullshit excuses :D ALL THE TIME.