Valentine's Day

Feb 15, 2008 20:19

I had the best Valentine's day ever last year.  I boarded a plane for New Zealand on February 13th, and arrived in NZ on February 15th.  I skipped Valentine's day, and it was magnificent.

Valentine's Day makes me question my convictions.  I rant and rave about how insignificant, trivial, and commercialized I think the day is... but I still can't quite bring myself to roll my eyes at the boy that brought his girlfriend flowers after class as a valentine's surprise.  Even if I do think that his primary motivation was to get laid. :-P And then there is my weakness for greeting cards, and arts and crafts.  Valentine's Day is so stupid-- but I still made the concert band clarinets (+ flute) some cheesy little Valentines.  Dammit.  I can't quite be a grinch.  I'm like the huge, burly, hard-faced mexican construction worker that once broke his "don't mess with me" stride to tickle his own tummy and giggle like a little girl because my 3-year old cousin showed him her belly button.

I think I am going to add to my collection of greeting card templates a new category:  the "It's not Valentine's Day!" category.  Or perhaps it would be nicer to label it something like "I Love You Every Day!".  Just to remind people year-round that maybe they can do something extra to show they care.  Is all the pressure around one day really necessary?  Have I simply overreacted?

I do care, honestly.  It's just that I want to give you a flower because I love you and I wanted to, not because everyone else is doing it.
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