
Jan 07, 2008 05:29

I don't know if I'll ever be able to speak coherently about the end of the semester. All I know is that four nights of "sleep" a week is not enough and reeses peanut butter cups and orange "cuties" do not make a balanced diet, and cigarettes are not a good substitute for trips to the gym. That's all I can say right now.

It was a weird trip to Kansas. The first few days were way too high school as far as things at home were concerned. And then things go brushed off so dismissively that I felt like I must have been insane. Conclusions: same shit, different day. But I did leave on a good note, and I had a great time with my family in the end (especially my sister, as always!). Got to see a very few high school friends (too quick a trip). Eh, there were lots of positives, but the negatives were just kind of overwhelming.

Marching band is over, which is weird. It was a great last game for me, though (especially since I got AIRTIME ON TV!), and a triumphant departure from the Rose Bowl. I hate that place. No, really.

Someday I will say something worthwhile. Not today.

Oh, so much to do, and school has not even started...
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