You don't need people to hype up your self-esteem. You take care of yourself, and don't follow the crowd. You're unique.
I think thats the beauty of you. =D
You don't have many (if any) friends. People aren't going anywhere and you have to learn to handle social situations. There are people out there who understand you.
I dont too. Maybe cause we are anti-social? o_O
You stand out because of your firey independance. You won't let anyone drag you down or get in the way. Just remember that you can hurt people easier than you think
I think you are. My younger brother whos also a Saggitaurius dois like that too. Only I dont know why I cant get along with him. Maybe because hes a male.
Comments 4
up your self-esteem. You take care of yourself,
and don't follow the crowd. You're unique.
I think thats the beauty of you. =D
You don't have many (if any)
friends. People aren't going anywhere and you
have to learn to handle social situations.
There are people out there who understand you.
I dont too.
Maybe cause we are anti-social?
You stand out
because of your firey independance. You won't
let anyone drag you down or get in the way.
Just remember that you can hurt people easier
than you think
I think you are.
My younger brother whos also a Saggitaurius dois like that too.
Only I dont know why I cant get along with him.
Maybe because hes a male.
Thank you for thinking that way of me *huggles*
Yeah, maybe because we are anti social?
But I wanna make friends, the thing is, I don't know how.
Especially in person. Gosh =X
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