Title: Park Bench
fingeredheart Pairing: JongKey
Genre: Friendship, hinted romance, angst, AU
Rating: PG
Disclaimer(s): Nothing's mine.
Summary: There's a bench they both go to.
A/N: I started this last night, and finished it tonight, so I'm sorry if the second half sucks compared to the first half because I'm feeling very drained today. :| this is the
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haven't started to read jongkey fanfic but I love jonghyun so yea lol
and I'm sorry for MIA T_T
okay since i've been only a week or so in SHINee fandom, would you please tell me about jongkey history ?! lol
i saw A LOT of pictures of them but I rarely saw video of them T_T
LOL I'm probably not the best person to ask, but basically, they're ~bffs4life~ and all that good stuff. They're very physical and hug and hold hands and touch each other (...that did not sound weird) a lot. and they're very cute. If you watch SHINee's YunHaNam reality show, you are bound to see a lot of JongKey moments captured on camera ;))♥
what is YunHaNam ?! where can I DL them ?! so far I've only DLed their performances T_T I don't know what their show is T_T
im so sorry jen if I ask too many things >.<
seriously I've only been a week and 2 days in this fandom!! lol
Here, bb. It's from right after they debuted, and it helps you learn a lot about them :3 haha, it's okay! I'm glad you're getting into them ;D they're really wonderful. ♥
but ok i'll watch it since it's subbed lol
thank you ♥
lol I never thought I would love them either ^^; it's all Jonghyun's fault lol
Jonghyun can have that affect on people ;DDD ♥
thanks!! i'll continue to DL them all tonight lol
haha he does!!!
did you just delete your entry again ?! lol
ahaha, sorry about that! It just all seemed really stupid to me after posting. I think today's just not my day to post anything, lol.
hahaha it's not stupid. i'm amazed that you can contain all those fandoms LOL i never can do that. 3 fandoms from different language are already too much for me LOL
this whole SHINee thing is kind of unexpected T_T
but I guess I'd just enjoy it while I can. I need stuffs to fangirl at random times lol
It's niiiice. It's a pretty small, quiet-ish fandom. At least in comparison to a lot of the older ones :)
once I announced that I fall for SHINee, all of my friends give me random k-pop groups all at once!!!! LOL
it's kind of JE things tho lol more or less..
nods nods so far it's quite and peaceful and I enjoy it. I hope it'd stay this way for longest time XDDDD
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