Feb 16, 2005 22:49
i absolutely, positively, can no longer do this.
this as in, be married for not even a minute longer.
i can no longer keep doing this.
i used to say, 3 years ago, that this was an "experience".
this is no longer an "experience".
this has turned into my biggest fucking nightmare.
this is fucking eating away @ the core of my FUCKING SOUL.
he'll find better love.
he has those eyes.
.. please remember me. (?)
i really just dont fucking know anymore.
it seems that i can meet any fucking dude
& theyre automatically "in love" with me.
any dude except the dude that i SWORE
for the last 5 years was in love with me.
any fucking dude except the ONE I MARRIED.
what the fuck?
where did this go wrong?
... or, maybe it was all wrong in the first place.
yeah, 2001MAY20 was just wrong.
2004FEB10 was probably even more wrong.
tonite, is probably right though.
im putting a stop sign on the end of tonite.
end of sentence.
samantha, if you ever find the time
or the place in yr heart, please call me.