Decided to change my furry ways

Feb 24, 2006 10:37

Recently I've became more involved with my faith (Christianity) as I realized that I wanted to follow Jesus the way I was meant to. This has meant I've had to give up alot of things I throughly enjoyed. One of the hardest things I have to give up on though is porn, more specificly furry porn. Its become a addiction I can do without and also it instills lust and idoliogy which are immoral and against god. Some of you might think that I'm bonkers and that I am letting my fellow christians decide what is right and wrong for me, but I feel that its the right thing to do. This doesn't mean I am tossing all the art I got though, I plan to go through and save any tame and tamish pics that I feel don't make me lustful and theres no danger of me leaving the fandom as I love being a furry, I just don't want to be into yiff anymore. Also gave up file sharing as its the same as stealing, going to quit smoking and plan on joining a gym soon.
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