Title: Gwen has Flu
Chapter: 76
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper
a_silver_storyGenre Humour, smut
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M.M
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch. However, I am not a rich rich rich bitch so you may all, therefore, assume I own nothing. Which I don't. It all belongs RTD and the BBC,
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Comments 26
Look forward to seeing what happens next. Ianto meeting Alice & Steven? That could be cool! :D
Loved this bit; “Can’t chat now, chino. Gotta push my grandson on the swings. No I haven’t forgotten you’re twenty six in two months!”
Ah, Gwen. Silly girl. At least this way she and Rhys get some time together, while Jack and Ianto get time away from Gwen. :D
So happy to get a new fix. Err, I mean installment.
Watching BBC America tonight. They're starting Torchwood again, from the beginning. And about 4 times an hour there's a 15 second commercial with Gwen yelling, "I catch aliens!" Then four images of her with the words "Gwen Cooper. Torchwood."
It's like the whole lot of them are stuck on the planet JustDon'tGetIt.
If this "I'm Gwen Cooper! I catch aliens!" crap is an indication what series 4 will likely be, then I hope Gwen and Torchwood fall flat on their faces.
I've been lurking in the background for some time and I thought I'd comment.
I LOVE this series. You write Jack and Ianto so well I can actually "hear" them... and if you're still following my rant I applaud you.
P.S. Do we get to read the Shibari Jack promised from the previous part?
i loved the introduction of alice and stephen to the storyline, very interested to see how they'll fit in! great installment!
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