Okay, so The Undertaker's Gift, Consequences and Risk Assessment are all due for release in the UK on the 1st of October, and I just went over to play.com to see if they'd released the cover images yet. Lo and behold! - what a kick in the teeth!
Ianto doesn't even get his own cover this time around! Why does this annoy me so much? - aside from the fact these books are supposedly Ianto's final outing in the Whoniverse and he doesn't even get his own cover? Talk about kicking a fictional construct when he's down!
... and they cropped out his gun ... THE GUN THAT HE NEVER FREAKIN' HAD!! ... come to think of it ... were any of you watching CoE thinking "Maybe he steals the gun from Johnson's men ... oh they're at an army base. Does he get his machine gun now? Okay the hand gun didn't burst the tank ... maybe he grabs his machine gun to do it ... WTF? He's dying and he didn't even get the big arse gun they've spent the past nine months drumming into us via publicity shots and photographs he's going to lay his hands on?" - anyone else, or just me?
*goes away to reminisce about Bay of the Dead and The Twilight Streets covers ... with a couple of passages from Pack Animals and Almost Perfect for good measure ...*
EDIT: Also ... in the bottom images of two of the books, Gwen is front and centre like she's the main character (something I've noticed on a couple of CoE promos). I thought Torchwood was Jack's series? Hmmmm
EDIT 2: Rile ye'selves! The original covers released in April had a Ianto cover!
Thanks goes to