Dec 10, 2010 22:00
- 05:43 Is it bad that when people quote Jim Morrison's 'Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.' at me, I think, 'No - it's *whomever*.' #
- 10:26 I use antlers in all of my deeeeeeeeeeeeecorating! #
- 14:17 We need to unite and fight the government's education reforms, sign up here here #
- 16:34 First thing I saw at the cinema was 'Aladdin'. Cave of wonders proper shit me up. #
- 18:44 @ domjoly @Lord_Sugar's followers has gone up. Does this mean charity has to pay you now? #
- 19:43 Dear Authors: Please learn the difference between 'prostrate' and 'prostate'. Thank you. #
- 21:52 @ Amuly21 I think I just melted .... #
- 21:57 @ Amuly21 haha! My sims glitched, and now my Ianto's arms are permanently stuck like thiss: #
- 21:58 @ gmp24_0 It's David Cameron's fault. With all his public sector cuts, nobody can afford to get places the same speed any more! #
- 22:10 @ Amuly21 It does get funny sometimes - like when he's carrying the baby around and the baby's just floating whilst he's doing the YMCA #
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